Animal Medical Hospital

2459 Bellevue Avenue
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1E1


Welcome to Animal Medical Hospital


Animal Medical Clinic on Georgia!


The atmospheric river on Saturday, October 19, 2024 resulted in flooding along Bellevue Avenue outside the hospital. The hospital itself was completely untouched, but the water ran in a river into the underground parking levels, completely filling them. Many vehicles lost their lives (though no people or animals were harmed). More critically, the mechanical and electrical rooms were submerged. The power to the hospital has been turned off since October 20, 2024.

January 1, 2025: Happy New Year! We have just had power restored to the building. It will take us a few days to clean up and put things away, and re-stock supplies. We anticipate ramping up to normal activity at AMH during the week of January 6-10, 2025. We will be spending the following months catching up on delayed procedures and preventive health appointments. Please have patience with us during the first few weeks as we try to accommodate all of the most urgent cases. Hopefully by spring things will be settled back into their usual rhythms. We thank you for all of your support and patience during the 10 weeks of uncertainty. Welcome back!
Some important notes -

All of your pet's medical records are on the computers and are perfectly safe.

The phones at Animal Medical Hospital should be back to normal by January 3, but if we run into any glitches they will be forwarded to AMC on Georgia
. If you call the AMH number, someone will answer.
Any phone problems should be fixed quickly, so hopefully you won't even notice anything.

We may be behind on reminders for a couple of months. If  you have important travel dates or need to make sure vaccines are updated for a certain time, please call.

AMH is a privately owned, non-corporate general practice veterinary hospital located in West Vancouver, British Columbia. With the hospital only a block from the waterfront, the West Coast "atmosphere" permeates our practice both literally and figuratively.

AMC is a privately owned, non-corporate outpatient clinic near Coal Harbour in Vancouver. It's a short hop over the Lionsgate Bridge from the North Shore, and within easy walking distance for many downtown residents. The clinic is at the base of the east tower of the Lions Building, with a view of Georgia Street and the grassy, treed terraces out front. Click over to the "AMC on Georgia page" (up on the Home tab) and hit the Facebook link to get to the AMC page, or just click here.

Our goal at both practices is to provide medical care in a setting that is relaxing for you and your pets, and to have fun doing what we love. We hope you will refer your family and friends to our practice.

Feel free to browse through our site. If you want more information about our practice please call or email.

Thanks for visiting, and we look forward to serving you.


Emergency Options

If your pet is in need of veterinary care outside of our hours, the following emergency facilities are available 24/7/365

Mountainside Animal Hospital (Urgent Care)
2580 Capilano Rd, North Vancouver
(604) 973-1247

Vancouver Animal Emergency & Referral Centre
2303 Alberta St, Vancouver
(604) 879-3737

Canada West Veterinary Specialists
1988 Kootenay St, Vancouver
(604) 473-4882








Animal Medical Hospital

2459 Bellevue Avenue

West Vancouver, BC
V7V 1E1
Tel: 604-926-8654
Fax: 604-926-6839

Animal Medical Clinic on Georgia

1338 West Georgia Street

Vancouver, BC
V6E 4S2
Tel: 604-628-9699
Fax: 604-926-6839

find us on facebook


Please see info pages
for AMH and AMC
for more information