Animal Medical Hospital

2459 Bellevue Avenue
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1E1


Your Privacy is Respected on our Web Site!

This is our own Private Web Site!

We do not collect or give out any information to any third party vendors or internet businesses.  No information will ever be disclosed to outside parties. It's that simple! And we strictly adhere to this policy. Our hospital recognizes the importance of protecting the personal privacy of both its clients, its patients and those individuals who simply visit our site.





Animal Medical Hospital

2459 Bellevue Avenue

West Vancouver, BC
V7V 1E1
Tel: 604-926-8654
Fax: 604-926-6839

Animal Medical Clinic on Georgia

1338 West Georgia Street

Vancouver, BC
V6E 4S2
Tel: 604-628-9699
Fax: 604-926-6839

find us on facebook


Please see info pages
for AMH and AMC
for more information